Retreat - The blooming of the lotus

10 March 2001 - 0:00 to 11 March 2001 - 18:00

The blooming of the lotus : Retraite dirigée par Chan Huy avec la Still Water Sangha. La retraite se tiendra à la Casa de Maria, Santa Barbara, Californie, USA.

Please join the Still Water Sangha in silent retreat in the tradition of our teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh. The lotus of our awakened nature blooms into radiant joy when we create the conditions that allow it to emerge from our confusion and fear, just as the lotus emerges from mud.

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Sitting and watching our breath is a wonderful practice, but it is not enough. For transformation to take part, we have to practice mindfulness all day long, not just on our meditation cushion.
- Thich Nhat Hanh