Retreat - A Lotus in a Sea of Fire

12 April 2002 - 23:00 to 14 April 2002 - 17:00

A Lotus in a Sea of Fire - Le Lotus dans un Océan de Feu: une retraite dirigée par Chan Huy avec la Still Water Sangha au centre La Casa de Maria, Santa Barbara, Californie, USA.

Please join the Still Water Sangha in silent retreat in the tradition of our teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh. The lotus of our awakened nature blooms when we create the conditions that allow it to emerge from anger, confusion and fear. Nurturing the seeds of compassion and peace that lie deep in our hearts, we can transform the fire of these turbulent times, and our own inner turbulence, into serenity and joy.

Dharmacarya (dharma teacher) Chan Huy will lead us along the path of silence and compassionate understanding so that we may connect to the refreshing and nourishing elements within and around us. We will reduce our talking by 90 percent, sit in meditation several times a day, walk mindfully, and enjoy silent meals together in order to touch the happiness that is already present in us. Quiet joy and a sense of community will permeate this time together.

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Just as vegetation is sensible to sunlight, mental formations are sensitive to mindfulness. Mindfulness is the energy that can embrace and transform all mental formations. Mindfulness helps us leave behind "upside-down perceptions" and wakes us up to what is happening.
- Thich Nhat Hanh