Retreat - Awakening to Joy and Happiness

03 October 2003 - 21:00 to 05 October 2003 - 18:00

Awakening to Joy and Happiness : une retraite de Pleine Conscience dirigée par Chan Huy avec la Laughing Rivers CML de Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. La retraite se tiendra au Franciscan Spirit & Life Center, 3605 McRoberts Road, Pittsburgh, PA (South Hills), USA.

Thich Nhat Hanh teaches us that joy, happiness and peace are available to us in every moment. But are we available to receive these wonderful gifts? Join us for a weekend of

mindfulness practice as we come together to slow down, calm our bodies and minds, and look deeply so that we may transform our personal suffering and touch our seeds of understanding, compassion, and joy.

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Sitting and watching our breath is a wonderful practice, but it is not enough. For transformation to take part, we have to practice mindfulness all day long, not just on our meditation cushion.
- Thich Nhat Hanh