Although our activities are free online (meditations and JPC), your donation (dana) is appreciated via Paypal or by check payable to MPC-IPCAM, PB 72133 Montréal PB Atwater, QC, H3J 2Z6
A tax receipt will be issued for any donation of $ 20 or more.
Beginning Anew : Journée et autres activités de Pleine Conscience avec la Pittsburgh CML, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Mindfulness practice helps us touch that place of peace that is already within us. By stopping and calming ourselves and bringing to bear our compassionate understanding, we can locate the healing and nourishing elements that are always present but which we so often ignore.
Atelier: La mort selon l'approche bouddhiste avec le RISPEQ (Réseau des Intervenants en Soins Palliatifs de l'Est du Québec). CLSC Rivière et Marées, Rivière du Loup, PQ, CANADA.
The Art of Mindful Living : Conférence publique au Exploris Museum, Raleigh, NC, USA.
Mindfulness practice helps us touch that place of peace that is already within us. By stopping and calming ourselves and bringing to bear our compassionate understanding, we can locate the healing and nourishing elements that are always present but which we so often ignore. Chan Huy
Happiness: Here and Now : Conférence publique au ERUUF (Eno River Universalist Unitarian Fellowship), Durham, NC, USA.
Mindfulness practice helps us touch that place of peace that is already within us. By stopping and calming ourselves and bringing to bear our compassionate understanding, we can locate the healing and nourishing elements that are always present but which we so often ignore. Chan Huy
Cultivating the Mind of Love in our Daily Life : une retraite de Pleine Conscience avec la Laughing Rivers CML de Pittsburgh au FranciscanSpirit & LifeCenter, Pittsburgh, PA (South Hills), USA.
Vers une culture de Paix et de Non-Violence: une retraite de Pleine Conscience avec The Community of Mindful Living, Heartland Sangha de Kansas City. La retraite se tiendra au Conception Abbey, Conception, MO, USA.
Une retraite de 6 jours - en vietnamien - avec le Vénérable Thich Nhat Hanh et les moines et moniales du Village des Pruniers, du Centre Bouddhique du Vermont et du Monastère du Parc des Chevreuils à San Diego, CA, USA.
Sitting and watching our breath is a wonderful practice, but it is not enough. For transformation to take part, we have to practice mindfulness all day long, not just on our meditation cushion.